Enter your details below to generate your free chart.

Date, time and location of birth required.
Please note, time is in 24 hour format.

Include your email* above to receive a free introductory report from Fiona on the foundations of your chart.

*We respect your privacy.

If you wish to download a PDF of your chart on a mobile device, you will need to open the page in Safari - download is not supported in IG browser.

To begin the process of integrating your design, our customized reports provide in-depth insight into the key properties of your chart.

Written by specialist, Fiona Bicknell, our PORTER Human Design reports offer guidance and understanding of;

Energy Type - your key role in the collective and insight into your energy
Strategy - your most aligned approach to success
Signature - you indicator of being in alignment
Not Self - your indicator of being ‘off track’
Authority - your intuitive decision-making process
Profile - your greatest strengths to offer the collective
Environment - the spaces in which your body thrives
The Energy Centers - the gifts and challenges of each center
The Variables - an intro into what is required for your optimal health



A 40+ page report of your unique Human Design

Covers Energy Type, Strategy, Signature, Not-Self, Authority, Profile, Environment, and the nine Energy Centers


Book a 75 minute private reading with Human Design specialist, Fiona Bicknell.

Each session provides a deep dive into your unique design along with a 40+ page report.


Follow us on Instagram @porterhumandesign for tips on understanding and integrating the key properties of your design.